
Digital receiver for monitoring stations, up to 5000 endpoints
  • Monitor and receive signals from up to 5000 endpoints
  • Static or DHCP network configuration
  • Monitoring of test code, with a time individually defined for each endpoint
  • ONLINE i.e. active and OFFLINE i.e. disconnected devices indication
  • Individual disabling of endpoint devices, blocking unwanted communication
  • USB and serial (RS-232) interface for PC connection
  • Receiving SIA DC-09 protocol messages
  • Encrypted communication option (AES-128 or AES-256)
  • Individual monitoring settings for each account
  • Continuous monitoring of LAN and WAN connection
  • Client IP address display in monitoring software
  • Local programming via USB, remote programming through IP network
  • Event list monitoring from web browser
  • Firmware update function
  • Remote monitoring receiver for SIA IP protocol signalling communicators

SIA DC-09 alarm monitoring receiver

The IPR-5000 is an IP-based remote monitoring receiver using one of the most popular standard protocols, the SIA DC-09.
It translates TCP/IP-based alarm reports received over the IP network into serial line SIA DC-07 protocol and sends them to the dispatcher’s monitoring software (except for test reports).
The software acknowledgement (kiss-off) for the report codes is sent back to the specified endpoint.  The communication between the IPR-2500 receiver and the dispatching machine is a classic serial protocol, but the physical data transfer can also be done via RS232 or USB connection, so the display machine does not need a serial line card.
