The SC-GPRS 4G device is a modern alarm monitoring communicator device operating on 4G LTE mobile network. It converts the Contact ID signals from alarm panel (transmitted on phone line, TIP/RING terminals) to SIA IP format and sends it to a given IP monitoring receivers.
Operation of device: it generates a simulated PSTN line for alarm panel, and accepts Contact ID reports sent on it by alarm panel dialler.
After receiving, device forwards the report through GPRS network, (using TCP or UDP protocol, depending on the setting) toward one of two pre-set IP receivers, in accordance to SIA DC 09 standard. The device will acknowledge the reporting to alarm panel only when the acknowledge signal is received back from the IP receiver, thus ensuring the 100% delivery rate for all reports! Also, contact signals applied to the two inputs are reported to monitoring station with programmed codes.
Another advantage is that it can connect to a back-end server (IoT) in the background, which allows continuous remote access to the communicator via a web browser, i.e. the device can be managed remotely. The data traffic demand for remote management is approximately 6-8 Mbyte/month, but the feature can be turned off.
alarm monitoring communicator
Device is equipped with an independent analogue circuitry that prevents the device „freezing” phenomenon, caused by network deviations in most communication devices. When a communication error is detected, this circuitry cuts the device power supply for 5 seconds and after re-applying of power the device restarts, assuring that it connects again to mobile network alarm monitoring communicator
alarm monitoring communicator